1,790 research outputs found

    Young children learning in Gaelic: Investigating children's learning experiences in Gaelic-medium pre-school. Research Briefing 6E. Stirling

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    Gaelic-medium (GM) education is an important part of current efforts to re-vitalise the language in Scotland. Beginning Gaelic-medium education in preschool is seen as a crucial entry point, enhancing the numbers entering GM primary education and facilitating transition to the school learning environment. However, it is essential that GM preschool is of high quality. Government-funded provision is expected to offer children the same learning opportunities as their peers who attend English-medium settings. Meeting these expectations is challenging because most children enter Gaelic-medium preschool from English-speaking homes so that the nursery or playgroup is their only exposure to Gaelic. Our earlier study mapped the range and extent of Gaelic-medium early education and childcare provision but in the research reported here our focus was on what happens within settings, the children’s activities in the playroom and the ways in which practitioners help them to learn Gaelic, as well as ensuring that national expectations about curriculum and learning outcomes are met

    The nature of minority languages:Insights from Scotland

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    DlĂšth is Inneach: Linguistic and Institutional Foundations for Gaelic Corpus Planning

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    This report presents the results of a one-year research project, commissioned by Bòrd na Gàidhlig BnG) and carried out by a Soillse Research team, whose goal was to answer the following question: What corpus planning principles are appropriate for the strengthening and promotion of Scottish Gaelic, and what effective coordination would result in their implementation? This report contains the following agreed outcomes: a clear and consistent linguistic foundation for Gaelic corpus planning, according with Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s acquisition, usage and status planning initiatives, and most likely to be supported by Gaelic users. a programme of priorities to be addressed by Gaelic corpus planning. recommendations on a means of coordination that will be effective in terms of cost and management (i.e. an institutional framework

    Review of Gaelic medium early education and childcare

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    The National Plan for Gaelic 2007-2012 contains ambitious targets for the expansion of Gaelic medium (GM) primary school education, aiming for 4000 children enrolled in P1 by 2021. GM early years education and childcare plays a crucial role in attracting parents to the 'Gaelic system' and the great majority of children who enrol in GM primary have experienced GM preschool provision at nursery or playgroup. If the target numbers entering GM primary school are to be achieved then there will have to be a considerable expansion in the preschool sector too, given that there were just over 700 children enrolled in GM nurseries for session 2008-09. The National Plan includes a specific commitment to review GM early years education and childcare. The study reported here is a response to that call. It aims to clarify existing provision, identify gaps and make recommendations for changes or developments needed to ensure that the goals of the National Plan are achieved
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